Connecting Kids and Collaborating Teachers
On Tuesday, I'll spend the afternoon working with colleagues as part of an initiative spearheaded by +Michael Leonard and +Katrina Gouett called "Connecting Kids and Collaborating Teachers." The goal of CKCT is to create opportunities to explore how students and teachers can collaborate and learn beyond the classroom walls.
Below is a sneak peak at my presentation, which is really the culmination of ideas that have been rattling around in my head over the past few months as I've been reading blogs and books on inquiry and project based learning as well as global competencies and approaches to teaching and learning that are student-focused.
Looking forward to learning with my colleagues on Tuesday!
Documentary - “Most Likely to Succeed” Trailer
Global Competencies__________________________________________________________
The 6 C’s…
- Character
- Citizenship
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- Creativity
Curriculum Expectations_______________________________________________________
Gr. 8 Geography
Gr. 8 Visual Arts
Gr. 8 Language
What do you see?
“America Today - Instruments of Power” - Mural by Thomas Hart Benton
Focus for Learning____________________________________________________________
Art Deco, also called style moderne , movement in the decorative arts and architecture that originated in the 1920s and developed into a major style in western Europe and the United States during the 1930s.
- Thomas Hart Benton
Digital Revolution
- “Digital transformation: are you ready for exponential change?”
- “We’re over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience.”
Other ideas???
The Project__________________________________________________________________
Curriculum, projects/assessments are vehicles to help students develop competencies:
- Character
- Citizenship
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- Creativity
Project Ideas:
- Research how the Industrial Revolution affected global settlement patterns, shaped Western society, culture, ???
- Re-create Benton’s mural to illustrate equivalent advances that are occurring today -- do this as a class! Small groups work together to create a section of the mural.
How technology might be used to help learning / develop competencies:
- Google Hangouts with colleagues, classes, experts (i.e. Jeannie McCarroll, visual arts teacher at SMH)
- How to use Photoshop - Handouts created by Jeannie:
- Edpuzzle allows teachers to pause and add questions to YouTube videos -- a great tool to promote conversation and the teacher can collect student responses:
- Other ideas???
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